Homemade Pasta

I am a school age girl, living in VT with CF. I learned about this recipe in school and have attempted it many times myself at home. It's good!

by Emma B.

Nutrition information

Servings: 3

Amount per serving

  • 450
  • 1210mg
  • 16g
  • 317mg


  • 2 c flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 c water
  • 2 Tbsp butter
  • Add All Ingredients


Step 1
Pour flour on pastry board, cutting board, or countertop; make well in center.

Step 2
Whisk eggs, water, and butter in small bowl until well blended.

Step 3
Gradually pour mixture into the center of flour well while mixing with fork or fingertips to form ball of dough.

Step 4
Knead the dough until it becomes smooth and elastic.

Step 5
Let pasta dry on countertop or drying rack.

Step 6
Split the dough in half.

Step 7
Flatten the dough out.

Step 8
Cut the dough into strips.

Step 9
Place the strips into hot water.

Step 10
Pasta should boil for 10 minutes.

Step 11
Add a few tablespoons of butter to the water for flavoring and extra calories.