Meet the 2019 Scholars

Get to know the hopes, dreams, and talents of this year's winners.

Kevin R.

Undergraduate Recipient

"Choose one inspirational quote or motto that has helped you throughout your journey with cystic fibrosis. How do you live by your quote or motto and how has it motivated you to accomplish your goals?"

“As long as you can still grab a breath, you fight. You breathe...keep breathing.” Tomorrow is not guaranteed, nor are the opportunities challenging us. This quote reminds me to never cease my efforts in whatever obstacles I encounter. When I am battling the thoughts to give up, I say to myself that if I am fortunate enough to seize another breath, I must fight. When diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis, the reality of having a chronic illness releases a new outlook on life. An outlook for which I am grateful. With every challenge I face, no matter how minor or monumental, I am overcome with determination and resilience to accomplish success. This drive comes from the reminder that I must fight with every breath. Even if I don't accomplish the results I desired, I can walk with pride knowing I did not give up. As I further my education and discover what it is like to be an adult living with Cystic Fibrosis, I carry the gravity and meaning of the quote with me every day. When I am on a run and feeling the exhaustion setting in, I say over and over “breathe, fight, breathe…” this simple reminder provides me with strength to finish my run. I do not take any breath for granted. As long as I am able to breathe, I will continue living my life with eager eyes to accomplish my goals because as long as I can grab a breath, I will continue to fight.

Kevin R.'s Artwork

Kevin R.'s Achievements

  • Theta Xi Fraternity: Vice President, Service Chairman, Philanthropy Chairman, Scholarship Chairman, and Kitchen Steward, 2015-Present
  • Institute of Transportation Engineers: Treasurer, 2018-Present
  • Chi Epsilon: Member, 2018-Present
  • Sigma Alpha Pi - National Society of Leadership and Success: Presidential Member, 2016-Present
  • Missouri University of Science and Technology Dean's List: 2015-Present
  • Tri-County Humane Society: Volunteer, 2018-Present
  • Missouri Adopt-a-Highway: Volunteer, 2015-Present
  • Community Partnership Resale Shop: Volunteer, 2018-Present
  • Multiple Sclerosis Fundraiser: Leader, 2017
  • Cystic Fibrosis Great Strides Walk: Team Leader, 2015-Present